This is a fun alternate version of the story set in 1984, where on the way to their honeymoon, Connor and Bridget get stuck in the soul trap. In this version, Shannon is a nun. I thought it was a fun touch for the vibes. It still fits her character, and I feel like it helps make her goal in this version of the story more direct. I imagine the themes around this version would be a lot heavier on the “Why does God let bad things happen” argument, and would revolve around his mourning process. I think there would be a really interesting variety of opportunities to explore themes around science and religion, with Connor being a Man of Science. Real shame, it looses the entire relationship between Connor and Bridget and would be an entirely different story. But nonetheless, it’s fun to think about!
I daydream about this AU while I draw flats and listen to this song.
Swipe through concept drawings here-